Sants-Montjuïc District Council

List of posts and people belonging to the office

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Presiding Councillor for the Sants Montjuïc District Municipal Council Mrs Jessica González Herrera
District Councillor Mr Jofre Mont Geli
District Councillor Mr Francesc Almacelles Subies
District Councillor Mr José Antonio Calleja Clavero
General Coordinating District Councillor Pendent de cobrir
Councillor-Advisor to the District Council Chair Pendent de cobrir
District Councillor Mrs Maria Conesa Gallego
Technical District Councillor Mrs Núria Pey de la Iglesia
District Councillor Mr Ancor Mesa Méndez
District Councillor Mrs Laura Cuadrado Agell
District Councillor Mr Albert Aixala Blanch
District Councillor Pendent de cobrir
District Councillor Mr Albert Torelló Pérez
District Councillor Mrs Carolina López García
District Councillor Mr Jorge Arley Trujillo Gil
District Councillor Mr Eudosio Gutiérrez García
District Councillor Pendent de cobrir
District Councillor Mr Josep Joaquim Pérez Calvo
District Councillor Mrs Ana María Trapero Salvador
District Councillor Mr Miguel Martínez Velasco
District Councillor Mr Albert Deusedes Perelló